Published: Dec 4, 2019 by martoc
It based on cards, there are four different card types depending of the functionality.
Nitro Cards
Nitro Card for VPC
ENA Controller: it’s an abstraction for different network drivers.
VPC data plane: the card implement security groups, limiters, routing and encapsulation.
Nitro Card for EBS
NVMe Controller: interface with the OS.
EBS data plane: encryption, NVM to remote storage protocol.
Nitro Card for Instance Storage
NVMe controller: interface with the OS.
Instance Storage data plane: transparent encryption, limiters, drive monitoring.
Nitro Card Controller
System Control: provides passive API endpoint, coordinates all the other cards, Nitro Hypervisor and security chip.
Hardware root of trust: provides measurement and attestation.
Nitro Security Chip
It’s a microcontroller that provides security to the bare metal instance. therefore customer instances cannot update the flash code that lives in the motherboard.
Nitro Hypervisor
It’s based on KVM hypervisor but with a minimum number of features, the hypervisor runs only when the instance requires it.